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09.14.2009 Regular Meeting Minutes
        Harbor Management Commission
        302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

       REGULAR MEETING - September 14, 2009
1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor  Management      Commission to order at 7 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

        Ray Collins, Chairman
        Dick Goduti
        Pete Fredrickson, Secretary
        Les Bowman
        Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master, Dockmaster

        Ruth Hockert, Clerk
        Keith Nielsen, DOCKO
        Paul Connolly, member of the public

3.      Citizens with business before Commission
        A new light installed on utility pole to east of North Cove Road launch ramp, Paul Connolly     makes it        difficult to come into the harbor at night. He was asking if the Commission has         authority to do         anything about it.

        Motion - Dick moved that the Commission inquire of the Zoning Department, zoning regulations    
        concerning the light, Les Bowman seconded
        4-0-0 motion approved

        Keith Nielsen from Docko attended the meeting. Dick Goduti felt that Mr. Nielsen should
        have been placed on the agenda to be allowed to speak. Ray Collins felt the Commission could
        listen to Mr. Nielsen but no action would be taken this evening. Both applications discussed by
        Mr. Nielsen have been pending for a couple of years.

        Channelside was dredged with of a permit issued in the 1970s. There is an existing steel        bulkhead in     place. The houses are part of a sub-division and the docks are an accessory use.        
        The original dock plan had a boardwalk that DEP asked be removed. The ramps are very short.
        Each dock can hold a boat up to approximately 32 feet. A COP was obtained about 5 years ago     to      put in a bulkhead.  Mr. Nielsen believes there would be about 55 feet of maneuvering room       
        in the channel. Mr. Nielsen will advise when the item can be put on the agenda for neighbor     input.

        The proposed development on the old Persson property: originally the applicant proposed a rack
        storage plan. The new plan that Mr.  Nielsen presented, includes taking down existing buildings,        
        installing a trailer  boat launch system; land storage as well as some slips. Mr.Nielsen has been       
        working with the Zoning Enforcement Officer and CRERPA regarding this   permit. This would not be a     marina but would have land side support such as bathrooms for the slip owners.

4.      Minutes of August 2009 meeting

Motion Les moved to approve the Minutes as submitted but wanted to be put on the record that    Mr. Goduti's statement which was read into the record about himself and Mr. Sanders is factually flawed
Peter Fredrickson seconded
3-1-0 Motion carried, Les Bowman opposed

5.      North Cove
        50% exemption requests; review of attendance list
        Fred Volker email read into the minutes
        The following were significantly under the 50% rule
        A letter will be written to everyone who did not make it 50% of the 13 times attendance         was             taken.

        Dick Goduti stated that he does not like the moorings to be used as trophies.

        Peter Fredrickson feels that the attendance system is flawed based on his own attendance. He    feels   that if someone were present 6 of the 13 times they should not receive the letter.

        Les Bowman agrees the 50% rule is arbitrary, but he uses the mooring consistent with the rule.

        Motion Dick Goduti moved to send everybody who did not make the 50% a letter, Les Bowman
        3-1-0 Pete Fredrickson opposed

        Dick Goduti mentioned that his wife found the dumpster full of picture frames upon returning    
        to the dock this summer. Jim Mitchell said that happened last year as well. Dick observed a     
        neighbor from the condominiums throwing material in the dumpster.  Dick requested a sign be
        put on stating "Dumpster for boaters use only". Jim Mitchell will order.
6.      Ferry Road Dock
        STEAP GRANT update - none
        Some of the holes were filled by the town crew but there are some additional holes.
7.      Harbor Master Report - none

8.       Dock Master Report
        Numerous thefts have been reported to the Old Saybrook Police. Jim Mitchell reported that  
        years ago there used to be a night watchman. Jim Mitchell wanted to bring the thefts to the     
        attention to the Commission.

        Letters will be sent to the mooring haulers- send a bid, haul moorings by end of first week of
9.       Correspondence
        DEP notice regarding tomorrow's meeting: Ray Collins asked who was attending tomorrow's
        meeting, Les may attend, Peter Dick and Ray will attend

        8/27/09 - Walter Gayeski July 9, 2008 letter regarding his request to be placed on the wait list        
        in July 2008 which never arrived in the town hall. He asked that he be placed in his proper     
        place. The Commission agreed to do so.

        Correspondence from the Zoning Commission Oct 5 Public Hearing regarding petition to amend

        DEP notice regarding Channelside (previously discussed)

10.     New Business

      11.       Old Business

        Fee Schedule- Dick feels the Commission needs to confirm with the Selectman that the fee
        increase be placed on the Town Meeting agenda in November. Mr. Collins has already done so.

        Parking at Sheffield Street- Dick Goduti has done some research and he feels that the end of the
        street was a turnaround not a parking area. The Police Commission has the authority to manage   the     parking. Les Bowman suggested that the Harbor Commission put forth a proposal to the Police     
        Commission. This will be put on the agenda again. Ray Collins will come back to the Harbor      
        Commission with additional information after the election. Les Bowman is going to get
        some background from the Scaramellas.

        Jim Mitchell does feel that painting the signs and docks no fishing has helped.

        Harbor Management Plan Update - meeting scheduled with DEP in September this item       
        continued to agenda after meeting is held

12.      Approval of bills

        McDonald Sharpe - 11/98 - 8/09 $ 4326.50
        Saybrook Hardware $ 2
        Olsen Sanitation $ 166
        Allcare   $ 60.00
        Ruth Hockert office supply $ 63.00
        Beard Lumber $ 24.83
        Motion - Peter Fredrickson moved to pay the submitted invoices, Les Bowman seconded
        4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., Pete Fredrickson seconded.

        Respectfully submitted,

        Ruth Hockert, Clerk